Saturday, July 6, 2013

Pitiful puppy

Hello and good afternoon my friends.

Not much stitching here for the past few days.  My puppy got bit or stung by something on July 4th so I've been attending to her, so pitiful.  I spoke to the vet Thursday afternoon and was told to give her benadryl and bring her in, in the morning if she gets worse or take to emergency vet if she has breathing issues.

Well, at first she looked like she had a broken nose (they think this is where the bite occurred though we couldn't find anything)  I started to call her Manu, as that is one of my favorite basketball players who has had his nose broken on several occasions

Then by 11:30 pm her face had swollen pretty good but airway was good, more benadryl.
By morning, she could barely see so I took her to the vet at 7:30.  (oh yeah, she had gotten the run in 3 different rooms, one room has white carpet- it all came out with elbow grease)

How is she doing today?  back to normal self!  she had steroids and benadryl injections, but her tummy is still bothering her.  She spent the day at the doggy hospital and they said she was her happy self, wagging her tail, she couldn't see, but she was happy.
When I picked her up last night, the vet tech that was checking us out started to show me pictures of her Golden retriever,  we get to talk and saying how much they look alike and how big they are.  Come to find out, they are brother and sister from same parents, different litter.  Small world!

I do have a finish to show you, I finished this before all hell broke loose her :)
It is  A Bee's Blessing by Threadwork Primitives.  I just love it.  I saw this on Faye's  blog , Carolina Stitcher, and had to do it.  It's so beautiful.  Not sure how I'll finish it, I liked the box she mad and the pattern includes the instructions on making one.  I'll probably give it a try.

Well, we are on day 3 of rain.  I'm rather tired of bad hair days to the nth power!  lol.  Off to a birthday party for a little lady , family friends granddaughter.  Hope everyone stays dry!
Hugs to all


  1. Poor baby. I am glad she is on the mend.

  2. This post really touched my hart ,poor Puppy -I am so releifed that she is almost back to normal..
    It is allwys so hard when our pets are sick..

    What a lovely stitching You have made -so stylish and primitive.. Well Done !

  3. Poor baby...I am so happy that she is feeling better...
    Super sweet stitches..I love it ❤❤❤
    Big hugs x

  4. Poor puppy. It's so hard when there's so little we can do to help our fur babies. Glad she's on the mend!

  5. Oh, poor baby!! I do hope she is all back to normal now. Did you try adding yogurt to her food while on the antibiotics?
    Love, love, love that finish!!!

  6. Poor puppy! Glad she is doing better
    Beautiful stitching, a box sounds a great idea!

  7. Oh Dawn, your poor baby, I hate to see pets poorly.

    Great stitching Dawn looks wonderful.

    Hope you get some sunshine soon, our summer was like that last year, this year we have lovely weather at last, I will send you some over.

  8. Awww poor thing...Hope she starts to feeling better soon.

    Lovely stitching and I can't wait to see how you finish it.

  9. Poor Manu! Reminds me of the golden we used to have. They are so sweet. I love that pattern and haven't seen it before. I love bees. Waving and following you from Loveland (really Miami Township)

  10. Wow, that looks pretty bad! I hope she is doing fine now and that everything what was swollen, went away.
    Poor dog :-(

  11. Poor pup : ( I hope she is back to normal by now. I'm a bit late in my blog comments. Your new start looks lovely!

  12. Awwww! Your poor sweet puppy! I hope that she is better now! Love your Bee!!
