Good afternoon dear friends,
I am making some progress on my african woman but not as much as I'd like, I just can't seem to sit still this week, ( my dad was readmitted to the hospital with an infection following a bypass on his leg and my dog has been ill) OK, so I have been doing some sewing, I love bags, I don't need anymore bags but I love them just the same. I ordered one of Vera Bradley's hipster on ebay and then the same day I took some moda scraps from a jelly roll and made a little bag. I think my husband calls me "a hot mess" but it's with love. OK, so I am also absent minded. I took a music certificate to put in my daughters folder and decided to rearrange the spare bedroom and now I can't find the darn certificate, I went through everything twice! ugh. I walked away and will look again later.
Here are my pictures of progress. Everyone have a safe and blessed weekend.
UPDATE: I found the certificate after going through the closet, cedar chest, cross stitch files for a third time and found it in the folder that I put it in right from the beginning and looked at it 3 times to finally focus on the date and saw it was the one she gave me. I think I should go back to bed and restart the day. LOL. I am afraid to touch my cross stitch now for fear I'll really mess it up, lol. Everyone, enjoy your weekend!!!!
That is a lovely design! Blessings, Shirlee